At the moment…

DiaryPal Free Trial Diaries

At the moment I try this site for free. I am also waiting for my husband come home. Then we’re going to visit my crassmate what attend same Engrish course as me. I am looking forward to see my crassmate as she wasn’t attend the class yisterday. Sometime we get bold in the class but then we joked and make us laugh. I want she will come at Wednesday.

Thanks 🙂

“Then” と “So” の違いは?

DiaryPal Questions Answered

Then‘ とは’and after that (それから、その後に)’ という意味です。
So‘ とは ‘and because of that (だから、そういう訳で) ‘という意味です。


I worked for four hours, then I had lunch. ( = First, I worked for four hours. After that, I had lunch.)
I was very tired, so I stopped for a rest. ( = I stopped for a rest because I was very tired.)

== よくある間違い ==

I don’t like dancing, then I don’t want to go to the party.

Then‘ には上記とは別に’そうすると必然的に~だ(でない)’ という意味もあり、’so‘ に似ています。


If I were John then I would be a man.

このニュアンスで会話の応答に使う場合、’so’ とほぼ同じように使えます。


A: There isn’t a cloud in the sky.
B: Then you won’t be needing that umbrella. ( = So you won’t be needing that umbrella)

‘Any time’ と ‘All the time’ と ‘Every time’ の違いは?

DiaryPal Questions Answered

Any time‘ は、今日の朝8時でも、明日の午後3時でも、はたまた来週でもどんな時でも大丈夫!という時に使います。日本語の”いつでも”に一番近いニュアンスの表現です。

All the time’ は、朝の12時から夜の12時まで24時間、365日ずっと、という意味です。

例えば、友達から”後で電話するね!”と言われた時、もしいつ電話が来ても良いなら、”Call me any time” と言えます。でも、”Call me all the time” とは言わないはず。いくら友達でも、毎日毎日、一日中その人と電話している訳にはいかないですからね。

Every time’ は、何かの出来事とセットで使います。”Aが起こる時には、いつも必ずBも起こる”、といった具合です。


Every time I see you, I feel happy.
Every time I eat chocolate, I get a little fatter.

== よくある間違い ==

He is so happy.  He is smiling every time.
“When do you want to go to the doctor?” “ All the time is OK for me.”

Sample Diary

Doc 1 DiaryPal

I am studying English for many reason. Firstly, if we speak English, we may can communicate with many people. When I go to abroad, I am very convenient to speak to people because I know _ little English. Second, I am a doctor. Understanding English means I can read many papers and books on medical thing. The another reason is that my brother-in-low is from England. His mother is cancer. I wish to encouragement her and give her an advice. Finally, I am one of the people who loves to learn. I am 72 now, but my mind is young. I hope to keep it so.